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Super Kill Wolf, a story by Solomon Mercury Gold

Once upon a time wolf and superheroes fight the wolf giving the policemen the bad guys.  And the policemen bring it into the car and put it into jail.  Then, then, then, people put the wolf in the trap of jail.  Then, then, but what should the police? We should make pictures so they know what superheroes, okay?  [I say, this story will just have words.] But how will they know what superheroes?  That will be wrong.  We’ll write the name on them.  The names are – we just have to make them up, we both can make them up.  The Bird-Wolf, Mr. Staple, Mr. Jail because he traps them by being like jail, the Mighty Mucus who traps bad guys with lots of snot, the Mighty Fucus who traps them in a house that has no door and only has a trap door in the ceiling and they get trapped when they get in, it opens up and closes, they go through the chimney which has no fire which is, which is, which has, which gets locked, which, which, which gets, then they can’t move anymore because they’re trapped.

Computer Man which is made of electric kills the bad guys by being electric.

The story ends by an asteroid.

Posted in Story.

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